Ezra S. Shanken
Ezra S. Shanken is the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, where he has had the privilege of leading the third-largest Jewish community in Canada since the spring of 2014. During his time in Vancouver, Ezra has tackled issues ranging from a massive community affordability crisis, planning for a doubling of Vancouver’s Jewish senior population by 2030, and leading the community’s recovery efforts during the COVID-19 global pandemic, all while creating strong relationships with donors, agencies, and public officials through the infectious love he brings to his work each day.
Ezra is the former Director of Emerging Leaders and Philanthropists (ELP) at UJA Federation of New York. ELP is the Federation system’s largest next-generation engagement program, reaching nearly 10,000 young lives annually. Prior to ELP, Ezra spent more than six years with JEWISH Colorado (the Jewish Federation) in multiple roles, including Senior Manager of the Young Adult Department. Ezra is a Co-Founder of E-3 Events, a Denver-based community organization committed to bridging the gap between popular culture and traditional Jewish values while providing connections and exploring Jewish identity.
Ezra and his wife Rachel have three young boys. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, their house was often crowded with community members on Friday nights, because they believe that their home is the community’s home. They look forward to welcoming all back into their home when it is safe to do so.
Ezra is an active on Twitter, follow him @eshanken.